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"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give... for God loves a cheerful giver."

— 2 Corinthians 9:7

How We Do It – Financial Support

All the costs of maintaining the ministry of Fonthill United Church are borne by the members and adherents of the church and we continue to be encouraged by their generosity.  There is no “outside funding.” As costs rise, our congregation continues to meet the challenge, because people are committed to the church and because they understand their contributions to be an offering to God. All donations made to the church are tax deductible and the church issues income tax receipts at the end of the year.

Many of our members make their offering every Sunday using special envelopes that are available through the church office. Others sign up for the PAR program. In this program you tell us how much you want to give and the bank automatically makes the withdrawal. All you need to do is call the church office to set this up and it is the best way to help the church because you make your offering even when you are away, so the church can be sure of a steady income. If you want to stop the withdrawals, all it takes is another call and if you do, no questions will be asked. The amount you give is treated as strictly confidential, and known only to you and to the church envelope steward.

If you are able to give an occasional donation, please use the CanadaHelps link below. Church members are encouraged to use the PAR program when possible to reduce administrative fees charged by CanadaHelps.